
Using the Tools for the Job

01 Dec 2023

Introduction In my software engineering class, I learned about various concepts such as functional programming, development environments, and user interface frameworks. These were taught in the context of designing a web application, leading up to a web app project I...

Software Engineering Development Environments Frameworks

A Lesson in Reusability

23 Nov 2023

Introduction If you ever took the time to have a closer look at things, you will notice that our roofs, cars, bags, and other such things typically follow design patterns. There are different types of roofs, such as gable roofs,...

Software Engineering Design Patterns

Why Start With a Framework Rather Than From Scratch

01 Oct 2023

Introduction On websites and web applications, people would usually be greeted with a user interface (UI). UIs allow people to see and interact with a given website or application. For instance, a store may have a website that shows what...


Make Spaghetti Code look Appetizing

19 Sep 2023

Introduction If you have never heard of the term “spaghetti code,” it refers to code that is difficult to understand due to not having a defined structure or way of writing. It can be confusing and frustrating for people to...

Software Engineering Coding Standard

Asking Smart Questions Rather than Shallow Ones

03 Sep 2023

Introduction Questions are important. They usually present an opportunity for someone to discuss something with another person or a group. This prompt for discussion may lead to a conclusive answer(s) (or more questions), but it depends on what is being...

Stack Overflow Smart Questions